金都招遠黃金珠寶首飾城有限公司 AK=`rq
Gold Capital-Zhaoyuan Gold Jewelry Palace Co.,ltd \UA{CP stq.{K^(5
黃金珠寶首飾城位于中國金都——山東省招遠市,是中國北方最大的集智能化、信息化、現(xiàn)代化于一體的黃金珠寶首飾專業(yè)交易中心,也是淘寶之旅、黃金之旅、中國自駕游首選目的地。 n{S*vzV
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is located in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province: China’s Gold Capital. It is an intelligently designed modern emporium of Gold and Gem Jewellery, the largest of its kind. It is also a designated preferred destination by both Taobao Tourism and Gold Tourism. (N\]J%`=r Yb_N05B
黃金珠寶首飾城建筑面積達2萬平方米,主要從事黃金首飾、鉑金首飾、白銀首飾、珠寶首飾、鑲嵌首飾、寶玉石項串、金石、金屬工藝品、招金金石等批零售業(yè)務(wù)。 EDz'm)R3
The Gold & Gem Jewelry Palace is 20,000 square meters of engaging displays of gold, platinum, silver and mosaic jewelry as well as gem stone necklaces and bracelets, metal crafts, gold embossed stone and other retail businesses. zzHT_NP E2'jJ